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ADA Fundamental Day - Cricket Conquest 2023

  • 174 Hanger Rd., CFB Borden, Borden, ON, L0M 1C0 Canada (map)

OPERATION: CRICKET CONQUEST 2023 is a fun day of activities for all cadets in COA. Overall, cadets will meet new cadets, network, practice good team work, experience new ideas, provide feedback, and rely on their peers for experience based learning. This day activity also provide cadets with a 'next level' event under PO CX04.02, Participate in activities that reinforce the three components of physical fitness. This event will see various sports related training, some challenge activities, and a fun run. This event will be held rain or shine and everyone must be dressed for the environment.

Date: Sunday, October 22nd 2023 (0805 hrs - 1720 hrs)
Location: CFB Borden (Bus will pick cadets up from the Stouffville Legion at 0805hrs)
Dress: Cadets must be dressed in appropriate sports kit and for the weather. Cadets are NOT to bring their uniform to the activity.
Additional: Cadets will be provided one meal (lunch) for their assigned day. Cadets may bring additional snacks if so desired to offset nutritional intake. Cadets MUST bring a refillable water bottle.

Link to sign- up here.

Link to form to be signed here.

Last Day for Sign ups is October 4th.

October 13

Fall FTX

October 28

Poppy Drive